Community Links
Mu and its forum are just one small part of the wider online MAP community. While Mu is fully funded, we encourage readers to donate to other MAP initiatives (such as the FST, B4U-ACT or Free Spirits fundraisers) via secure methods such as Monero and other Cryptocurrencies. Where an online resource accepts donations, we append their name with an asterisk.
Not all of these sites are run by members of the community itself, and we are not responsible for their content. All will however be of considerable interest to some members of our community. Please contact us if any of our links become invalid, or if you have a new site to add.
- Forums
- Chat
- Social Fediverse
- Mainstream Social
- MAP Information and Support
- MAP Activist Organizations and Support
- Prevention and Recovery
- Blogs and Personal Sites
- Magazines, Radio and Podcasts
- Lived experiences of AMSC/AMSR
- In-depth/Academic treatments
- Scholars, Therapists and Nongovernment
- Community lists
For Boy Lovers
- BoyChat* - Traditional board, some language boards, e.g. FR, DE.
- BoyLandOnline - A modern-type board.
- BoyMoment - As above. Subforums: FR, DE, NL, FI, NO, CZ.
- BL12 - A new forum launched in 2024.
For Girl Lovers
- Visions of Alice - Presently the most popular GL board.
- GirlChat - Traditional board.
- GirlLoverForum - DE language only.
For MAPs in general
- B4U-ACT* - Nonjudgmental peer support and discussion.
- MAP Rights Forum - Private, slightly stricter rules than Mu's forum.
- Virped - Anti-contact peer support and discussion.
- Pedo24 - RU language only.
- Čepek - CZ language only.
- GSA Forum - DE language only.
It should also be mentioned that our community has considerable overlap with Lolicon communities (that may contain 2D explicit fiction, please check your local laws). Sadly, laws prohibit us from mentioning these sites.
Owing to widespread helplessness in the early days of the internet and the need for live support, MAP spaces have a rich tradition of IRC messaging. Traditional chat-rooms like Lifeline* offer a mixture of peer support and casual conversation during set hours, while some MAPs are active on public and private RocketChat platforms such as MSC, an anti-contact, prevention initiative supported by Prostasia*, a children's charity.
A Dutch (NL) chat is available at
A German (DE) chat is located at P-Punkte.
Matrix: Federated Chat Platform
Matrix (accessible via messengers such as Element and Schildichat) has seen considerable uptake by MAPs, and works according to roughly the same standards as fediverse below.
High-paced, attritional in nature, popular with pro-c's and trolls, Matrix is unsuitable for most older MAPs, and MAPs with visual disability (compare to Discord). Popular servers are OMC* (on and PCMA. also runs a server.
▵Social Fediverse
Federated social networking (Mastodon/Pleroma/Misskey) is one area where MAPs have seriously taken control. While it still faces some challenges, including domain suspensions and community conflicts, the medium is a rapidly expanding frontier in networking.
Some MAP Wikis have attempted to document the MAP Fediverse, or so-called "Pediverse", see Yesmap.
Some instances with a proven track-record of sustainability are,,, Not all instances federate each other, and there are some unnecessary blocks in place. Many more active instances exist, but sadly, we can not guarantee the legality of content on any instance in every country we serve, due to the dynamic nature of content generation. Consider donating cryptocurrency to your chosen server's admin to keep them online.
Some larger, more established instances appear to have numerous MAPs on them, too.
Please note, fedi sites may contain 2D explicit fiction, and the policies of instances/servers vary greatly.
PeerTube (videos)
FST* is a very MAP-tolerant PeerTube instance. See their fundraiser.
▵Mainstream Social
While we cannot guarantee security on any of the following platforms, MAPs have made considerable inroads into mainstream social media over the last 10 years. Discord, X (Twitter), Telegram, Instagram, Quora, Tumblr, Reddit and DeviantArt are the sites and apps most commonly associated with MAPs. A sensible and conservative approach would be to join a forum and/or a chat before venturing into mainstream socials, since the MAPs on chats and forums can often link you up with the sometimes hard to find groups of MAPs on mainstream platforms, and help you avoid censorship. For example, there are typically:
- Links between PCMA + Yesmap's Fedi and: Twitter, Quora, Reddit.
- Links between NNIA + MAPSupport Fedis and: Paraphile Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt.
One potential area of expansion is Bluesky. It has censored some MAPs, but has a small paraphile community like X/Twitter.
Of the video-sharing platforms, Bitchute, Odysee and Rumble have sometimes hosted MAP-friendly content, while YouTube practices frequent censorship against both MAPs and Anti-MAPs.
▵MAP Information and Support
See also, In-depth/Academic treatments.
- B4U-ACT* - Registered nonprofit in the field of Mental Health (co-staffed and co-founded by MAPs). Donate.
- Yesmap* - Frequently edited MAP-sympathetic wiki.
- MAP Resources* - Please note this is a Google Site - Log out of Google, then follow the link.
- BoyWiki* - The wiki of Free Spirits - the oldest online Boy Love organization.
- Transid Wiki - Newer queer identities including attraction to minors.
- - A wiki once maintained by Dutch (NL) MAP activists.
- ITP - DE language only.
- SOL Research - Information about Sex Offender Laws (that might target MAPs).
- BL Library - Videos, Magazines, Media.
- - Many translations of Western materials in Russian (RU).
- PRD - Archive of an early internet support site.
- - NO and English language.
▵MAP Activist Organizations and Support
Mu recognizes all the following groups as MAP Activist Organizations. Please note that none of these groups are currently part of any umbrella group.
- Mu (you are here).
- MEDAL - Group with a socially-progressive focus and trans committee members. Plans to host meetings soon.
- B4U-ACT* (see above section).
- Yesmap* - Online shop-window of the Newgon Organization, founded 2007. Our statement on this group.
- PCMA - Semi-organized pro-c activist effort, see in the chat section above.
- Ipce - Largely inactive, transitioning to archive website, see academic websites below.
- Virped - Anti-c group, see forums above.
- ASAP - MAP-run group that meets with MHPs as per B4U-ACT.
- NAMBLA - Largely inactive pro-c Boy Lover group in the process of being repurposed as an authority on its own history.
- Free Spirits - Dedicated to providing safe spaces for Boy Love on the Internet.
- JON - NL coverage, with further English language. Two active groups.
- AGPD - DE language only.
- Krumme13 - DE language only, pro-c.
Defunct Organizations
Many more first-wave organizations are defunct or soon to be. Yesmap lists some of these.
- CSC - Newsletter scans.
▵Prevention and Recovery
- Moore Center - JHU*
- DEFEND Support Group*
- CSA Primary Prevention
- MAP Friendly - Counseling.
- Talking For Change
- PedoHelp
- Global Prevention Project
- End The Stigma*
- Troubled Desire
- ASAP International*
- MAP Accuracy
- KTW - DE language only.
- SuH - DE language only.
- Fellow Travelers Recovery - "Sex Addiction" recovery for MAPs. We are not sure to what extent this is the equivalent of a "pray the gay away" type group.
- Ange Bleu - Preventionist support (FR).
▵Blogs and Personal Sites
- Heretic TOC - Popular blog of Tom O'Carroll - formerly of the PIE.
- A MAP In Love* - Features an archive and a Merchandise Shop.
- Arden
- Max Weber - DE, EN.
- thePword - Curated collection of 280 anti-c articles, blogs, podcasts and threads.
- MAPness - A MAP site with essays in English, Español (ES), e Português (PT).
- Timothy N. Fury
- Eivind Berge's Blog - MAP-Friendly MRA (Men's Rights Activist).
- Exit Interview - Perspective from a retired professor.
- You Are Your Story - by Jay Edson.
- Radqueer - Evolution of queer identity to include MAPs.
- Helping-People - Personal Statement by Frans Gieles.
- Our Love Frontier - Long-running personal blog of a Boy Lover.
- Not A Monster - Todd Nickerson.
- Kinder im Herzen - DE and English.
- Ketzerschriften - DE.
- Pedra, Papel e Tesoura - PT, some English.
- Mosaic wav Girl
- MAP Biology
- Celibate Pedophiles*
- Christian Pedophile
- A Life Less Lonely
- Consuela
- Lecter
- Bly Rede
- Enderphile
- SteppingOutSam
- A Life Less Lonely
Deleted Blogs
May contain previously censored and controversial viewpoints, including radical philosophies of pedophilic sexuality. We encourage others to make their own archives of this material, as it may be removed from web archive in the future.
- Pedophiles About Pedophilia
- Pedophiles About Pedophilia (Enderphile era)
- Pro-Pedo Front
- Consentinghumans
- Paiderastia
▵Magazines, Radio and Podcasts
There have been some attempts to curate lists of Magazines and Podcasts for MAPs, of which some (including Alice Lovers Magazine, Fawnlet Magazine and Wired PM Radio) are presently active.
See also, the podcast A MAP's Journey and the Prevention Podcast.
▵Lived experiences of AMSC/AMSR
AMSC/AMSR refers to Adult-Minor Sexual Contact or Relations. Reading these testimonies may be emotionally triggering to survivors of sexual abuse, more so because they do not begin from the empathic premise that the younger person has been harmed.
See the e-book "Positive Memories", linked in Yesmap's compendium.
▵In-depth/Academic treatments
See also, MAP Information and Support.
- Growing Up Sexually - World Atlas - Ethnological compendium.
- Greek Love Throughout The Ages - Pederastic literature of various types (fact, fiction, research).
- NARSOL's Database
- Prostasia's Database
- End The Stigma
Many readers use shadow libraries for research, and enhancing their access to expensive journals, but Mu obviously can not recommend these for legal reasons.
▵Scholars, Therapists and Nongovernment
Organizations that have engaged with MAPs
Historically, the following organizations have conducted research programs involving MAPs, or aimed at providing/improving services to them.
Individuals and writers who may lend support to MAPs
- Candice Christiansen - Therapist, founder of the Prevention Project, and Podcast.
- Sarah Jahnke - Associate professor, Bergen.
- Allyn Walker - Researcher of MAPs and CSA prevention.
- Karl Andersson - Researcher of sexual desires directed towards boys.
- Miranda Galbreath - AASECT-Certified MAP-Friendly Therapist.
- Jeremy Malcolm - Former Executive Director of Prostasia.
- Noah Berlatsky - Former Communications Director of Prostasia.
- Jacob Breslow - Researcher of the queerness of childhood.
- James Cantor - Opposed the MAP Identity but favors recognition of pedophilia as a sexuality.
- Michael Bailey - Paraphilia researcher.
▵Community lists
Various parts of the MAP community have compiled lists similar to Mu's.