Guest Blogs

    Guest Blogs are written by non-Mu members, and might include critical or controversial perspectives we have deemed to be worth discussing on our forum. These essays do not represent the collective policies or positions of Mu, which are best summarized by our principles here, and elsewhere on our site. The perspectives of our committee members form part of a separate content feed.

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    This guest blog is written by Liana Lial, a vocal young trans MAP, and published by Mu. Opinions expressed belong to the author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Mu Committee.

    Lial discusses the importance of transfeminism from the perspective of a young transfem MAP

    Upon his inauguration, Donald Trump passed an executive order which purportedly aimed to safeguard women from "gender ideology." The rhetoric speaks to the influence of a longstanding tradition of bigotry - Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism (TERFism.) Despite its blatant presence, many communities have not taken the time to analyze its place in the web of interconnected oppression.

    As a trans...


    The following guest article was written by Luke Malone in 2014. It has played an extremely important role for many MAPs coming to terms with their sexuality. Unfortunately the original host, Medium, has decided to paywall it, limiting its ability to help young MAPs. With permission of the author we are mirroring it here, although we still recommend signing up with the original host due to their excellent illustrated graphics. As always with guest blogs, Mu does not explicitly endorse the opinions expressed in this article, and the author does not necessarily endorse any statements made on Mu.

    Adam struggled with coming to terms with his sexuality as a young MAP


    In our latest guest blog, Mu reader John Tawvnik critiques Brian Ribbon's recent article on MAP community politics. This article is a critical response to a publication by a Mu editor; therefore, we have chosen to post it without copy editing. As with all guest blogs, opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the Mu Committee or its editors.

    Mr. Tawvnik questions whether Brian Ribbon's identity-based activism is really the best approach for MAPs


    I recently read Brian Ribbon's piece entitled “The MAP Community Needs to Chill” and while there are many aspects that he touched upon with which I would concur, there are some fundamental issues...


    The following is a guest article from a member of Mu's MAP Forum. Mu is always looking for content from MAPs with a wide range of views to host as guest blogs. Hosting does not imply endorsement, and the opinions expressed here are not necessarily agreed upon by all members of Mu.

    Written by Batmanthecute, and copy edited by Mu while preserving the author's stream-of-consciousness style.


    I recently saw a comment on a post that triggered a train of thought. The comment said, "I'm starting to believe that mankind needs someone to hate, which allows them to focus all of their internal self-hate on others. We seem to fill this need for them, so in time we becom...


    The following is a guest article from a member of the PCMA community. While one Mu committee member previously had an official role within PCMA, there are currently no formal ties between the two groups. Mu is always looking for content from MAPs with a wide range of views to host as guest blogs. Hosting does not imply endorsement, and the opinions expressed here are not necessarily agreed upon by all members of Mu.

    Ordinarily, a rap beef would hardly merit comment in terms of its relevance to us, regardless of how high-profile it is, but given the nature and popularity of the Kendrick Lamar's anti-Drake diss-track Not Like Us, it is more than justified. On Not Like Us, K...