Guest Blogs
Guest Blogs are written by non-Mu members, and might include critical or controversial perspectives we have deemed to be worth discussing on our forum. These essays do not represent the collective policies or positions of Mu, which are best summarized by our principles here, and elsewhere on our site. The perspectives of our committee members form part of a separate content feed.
The following is a guest article from a member of Mu's MAP Forum. Mu is always looking for content from MAPs with a wide range of views to host as guest blogs. Hosting does not imply endorsement, and the opinions expressed here are not necessarily agreed upon by all members of Mu.
Written by Batmanthecute, and copy edited by Mu while preserving the author's stream-of-consciousness style.
I recently saw a comment on a post that triggered a train of thought. The comment said, "I'm starting to believe that mankind needs someone to hate, which allows them to focus all of their internal self-hate on others. We seem to fill this need for them, so in time we becom...