News: Mu's response to social media coverage - Mu and MAP Camp

A logo for the inaugural MAP Camp (as planned)

Mu is an umbrella organization for MAPs that has no official connection with MAP Camp. Following social media fallout over our prior press release and contact with media organizations, we issue the following response.

First of all, we are concerned that certain people have been labeled as responsible for hosting the event. Their personal information has been broadcast on social media, despite those individuals denying any association. We believe that such doxxing is dangerous, especially on an issue as sensitive as minor-attraction. People have been killed over accusations of "pedophilia", whether those accusations have been true or not. We encourage responsibility in reporting, and warn vigilantes of the very real risk of lawsuits or prosecution over wrongful accusations. While the topic is of clear community concern and interest, the focus should be on discussing the merits and demerits of MAP Camp, rather than targeting individuals.

MAP Camp is not 'Molester Camp'

We are aware of a local podcast* that discussed the MAP Camp at length, making frequent references to comments sent by Mu's Press Officer, Percy Shelley. The podcasters frequently slandered the intended MAP Camp participants by claiming that it was a planned meeting of child molesters who wanted to discuss child molestation. This is wholly inaccurate, and quite ridiculous when we consider the publicly-advertised status of this event. It is our understanding that MAP Camp was planned by staunchly anti-contact individuals; that is, MAPs who do not support AMSC (Adult-Minor Sexual Contact) in any way, shape, or form. There are many people like this in the MAP community, in addition to those who do not engage in AMSC but support legal reforms that would decriminalize some forms of non-violent and non-coercive contact. The podcasters representing Vermont Daily Chronicle should apologize for slandering a meeting of non-offending MAPs by describing them as a group of child molesters. Mu does understand the fears of local people who bought into the ridiculous stereotypes, and empathizes with local parents who must have been alarmed. However, the conflation of minor-attraction and the commission of sex crimes is totally unacceptable, and this has to change.

MAPs need community like everyone else

MAPs are people who need a community of friends

MAPs struggle massively with isolation; many feel unable to tell even their closest friends and family due to the extreme stigma and assumptions of criminality connected with being a MAP. This causes severe emotional distress, which is of benefit neither to MAPs nor the wider community. Events such as MAP Camp fill a pressing social need without involving the commission of unlawful or unethical activity, and purposefully exclude those under the age of 18. Such fellowship helps to prevent mental breakdowns and suicides, which are harmful to the individual, their family, and others who care about them. Unfortunately, while many MAPs would appreciate professional mental health support and non-MAP friends within the local community, they are rightfully terrified of confiding in anyone other than fellow MAPs. This is an extremely unfortunate reality that can only be solved by the wholesale destigmatization of minor-attraction.

The messaging needs to change

The messaging in response to initiatives such as MAP Camp is extremely damaging. Most MAPs work very hard to lead responsible lives despite the extreme stigmatization of their sexual orientation and absence of any real kind of support. MAP community leaders wish to teach fellow MAPs that they are strong people who are capable of behaving ethically without hurting themselves or others, and are frustrated by the hysterical messaging that consistently undermines this. Perpetuating the myth that all MAPs are inevitably going to molest children, because they are monsters or have zero control over their sexual urges, pushes the weakest MAPs in the wrong direction, potentially becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Such messaging should be condemned in the strongest possible terms for the damage it does to MAPs and their small group of allies, and to the harms it may eventually cause to children in a minority of cases.

Mu will hold its own lawful meeting (for people over the age of 18) in 2025. The location will not be publicly identifiable, and we will respond strongly to attempts at unlawful disruption.

*The Vermont Daily Chronicle (VDC) website presents itself as an online local media channel, and was active in amplifying the MAP Camp story within the local community via Facebook. We contacted the VDC understanding this to be the case. Further investigation reveals the VDC's involvement in circulating conspiracy theories about the United Nations and "pedophiles". Statements by Percy Shelley, however, were not misrepresented by the podcasters.

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