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Welcome to Mu's editorials home, just one part of a bold new approach to Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) support and advocacy! Please use the navigation bar to see what else Mu has to offer. This page documents collective positions, press releases and news concerning Mu. We have separate content feeds for Mu Perspectives and Guest Blogs. Atom 1.0 and RSS feeds are available.

A logo for the inaugural MAP Camp (as planned)

Mu is an umbrella organization for MAPs that has no official connection with MAP Camp. Following social media fallout over our prior press release and contact with media organizations, we issue the following response.

First of all, we are concerned that certain people have been labeled as responsible for hosting the event. Their personal information has been broadcast on social media, despite those individuals denying any association. We believe that such doxxing is dangerous, especially on an issue as sensitive as minor-attraction. People have been killed over accusations of "pedophilia",...


MAP Camp was planned as a peaceful meeting of minor-attracted people

Mu is an international umbrella organization seeking to represent the MAP community. While it supported the MAP Camp event being held, it has no ties with MAP Camp itself, nor with the organizers of the event.

MAP Camp was a planned social gathering for minor-attracted people (MAPs) that was scheduled to be held this weekend at a campground in Vermont. It was first organized in July of this year by civil rights group MEDAL (MAP Equality, Dignity, and Liberation) but soon after became independently run. Preparation for the camp seemed to be going smoothly until bullie...


Another highly respected figure, and BBC star, has been dethroned following a 'child sex scandal'

Celebrity "pedophilia" is again making headlines this summer, causing considerable embarrassment and a sense of deja-vu for a public-broadcasting institution.

When the news first broke, the British public were apparently shocked to hear their 'national treasure', BBC bigwig, and royal reporter Huw Edwards apparently had some kind of interest in teenagers. Never mind that he had not been accused of sexual interaction with anyone under the local age of consent (16). Having any sexual interest in minors, under the age of 18, was itself...


Members of the public have appealed to sporting "ideals" and "values" in decrying the athlete's participation, despite the fact he had been welcomed back into his sport in 2018, and has since competed at the highest level

One of the key stories of the Olympics and its buildup has been the participation of Dutch volleyball player Steven van de Velde. Branded a 'child rapist' in the majority of news and social media articles, it is easy to assume that he forced himself upon an unwilling child. That is not the case.

In many countries - including the UK where the incident occurred - oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a person under a certain a...


Mu is an organization that advocates for proper understanding and destigmatization of minor-attracted people (MAPs).

In an article published by The Guardian, IWF Chief Executive Susie Hargreaves claimed that "generative AI tools provide a playground for online predators to realise their most perverse and sickening fantasies."

There are a number of problems with the claims made in the article, most notably the labeling of MAPs who have never preyed on young people as 'predators', and calling their feelings 'perverse' and 'sickening'.

There are a significant number of men attracted to those under 18, and the vast majority of these...