Mu Perspectives

    Mu Perspectives presents the ideas and personal writings of Mu Committee Members in blog format. These essays do not represent the collective policies or positions of Mu, which are best summarized by our principles here, and elsewhere on our site.

    Our lead authors: Brian Ribbon, Jim Burton, Percy Shelley, Tommaso Battista.

    Feeds: RSS, Atom 1.0

    Brian Ribbon

    The world is already in a state of awe, and alarm, over the extraordinary power and potentially terrifying consequences of AI. There are good reasons to be concerned, not least because the power to control social narratives will be concentrated in the hands of those few who own the bots. It is not surprising that politicians, who have made a career out of wielding power or attempting to do so, should seek to act against the new competition in order to maintain their own grip over the populace. In most cases, governments can expect some resistance to their attempts at censoring AI, whether or not the censorship is justifiable. There is one 'issue', however, that n...


    Brian Ribbon

    My discussion of identity is focused more on community building than personal ideology

    Earlier this month, I wrote an article focusing on the need for greater tolerance within our own community. I discussed various points of contention, such as alliances with other paraphiles, contact stances, and generational differences. The article generated a fair amount of criticism, which was inevitable. Let's consider some of the issues raised.

    Identity politics within the community

    One of the main criticisms in response to my article was my focus on identity politics, in particular the discussion of 'woke' ideology. Personally, I would not describe myself as 'woke...


    Brian Ribbon

    Pro-Reform is a framework arguing that cautious legal reforms are needed to offer greater rights and protections to MAPs and Youth. The framework is endorsed by myself as an individual, and the opinions expressed here are not necessarily agreed upon by all members of Mu.

    Going forward, my editorials will feature discussions on MAPs, Youth, AMSC, PIM, and what I call 'The Push', where left-behind/ostracized MAPs might become a risk for criminality, violence or extremism. All of my writings will ultimately be underpinned by my pro-reform framework and consent philosophy.

    Position statement on MAPs

    The Pro-Reform position supports the destigmatiz...