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The MAP term is these days derided on the one hand by conservatives as the epitome of 'woke', and by liberals on the other hand for 'glorifying/normalizing pedophilia'. To many across the entire political spectrum, MAP = pedophile = child rapist. The term was intended not to push any kind of sexual contact agenda, but to unify people attracted to children and teens while avoiding the stigma of the misused 'pedophile' and the many outrageous assumptions surrounding those to whom this term is applied. Pedophile is also a word used to describe a variety of phenomena which are not necessarily connected. Many people, when using this word, are not 'calling a spade a...

One of the key stories of the Olympics and its buildup has been the participation of Dutch volleyball player Steven van de Velde. Branded a 'child rapist' in the majority of news and social media articles, it is easy to assume that he forced himself upon an unwilling child. That is not the case.
In many countries - including the UK where the incident occurred - oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a person under a certain age is automatically treated as 'rape...