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Another highly respected figure, and BBC star, has been dethroned following a 'child sex scandal'

Celebrity "pedophilia" is again making headlines this summer, causing considerable embarrassment and a sense of deja-vu for a public-broadcasting institution.

When the news first broke, the British public were apparently shocked to hear their 'national treasure', BBC bigwig, and royal reporter Huw Edwards apparently had some kind of interest in teenagers. Never mind that he had not been accused of sexual interaction with anyone under the local age of consent (16). Having any sexual interest in minors, under the age of 18, was itself...


Mu is an organization that advocates for proper understanding and destigmatization of minor-attracted people (MAPs).

In an article published by The Guardian, IWF Chief Executive Susie Hargreaves claimed that "generative AI tools provide a playground for online predators to realise their most perverse and sickening fantasies."

There are a number of problems with the claims made in the article, most notably the labeling of MAPs who have never preyed on young people as 'predators', and calling their feelings 'perverse' and 'sickening'.

There are a significant number of men attracted to those under 18, and the vast majority of these...