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Welcome to Mu's editorials home, just one part of a bold new approach to Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) support and advocacy! Please use the navigation bar to see what else Mu has to offer. This page documents collective positions, press releases and news concerning Mu. We have separate content feeds for Mu Perspectives and Guest Blogs. Atom 1.0 and RSS feeds are available.
The MAP term is these days derided on the one hand by conservatives as the epitome of 'woke', and by liberals on the other hand for 'glorifying/normalizing pedophilia'. To many across the entire political spectrum, MAP = pedophile = child rapist. The term was intended not to push any kind of sexual contact agenda, but to unify people attracted to children and teens while avoiding the stigma of the misused 'pedophile' and the many outrageous assumptions surrounding those to whom this term is applied. Pedophile is also a word used to describe a variety of phenomena which are not necessarily connected. Many people, when using this word, are not 'calling a spade a...
The political right tends to think of MAPs (Minor-Attracted People) as the next part of a culture war involving LGBTQ+ rights. The political left often see MAPs as a 4chan hoax, meant to smear LGBTQ+ people. Both sides are mistaken, and in this article, we explain why.

In May this year, Albany councilor Thomas Brough was scolded for saying that the ‘+’ sign in the ‘LGBTQ+’ acronym included pedophiles, too. He thoughtfully told the council meeting "I would encourage people to look into what minor-attracted person...
This post deals with themes of suicide, MAP phobia, and incarceration. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, we understand that calling for support can be an intimidating experience. Please consider these resources on B4U-ACT to see if there is something appropriate. You deserve life.
September is Suicide Prevention Month. You might have noticed links to various mental health hotlines appearing more frequently as you browse the internet. Or maybe you have seen people wearing teal and purple ribbons as they go about shopping. Suicide is a problem for all segments of the community, but particular demographics are especially vulnerable. Indigenous people, men, people...

Celebrity "pedophilia" is again making headlines this summer, causing considerable embarrassment and a sense of deja-vu for a public-broadcasting institution.
When the news first broke, the British public were apparently shocked to hear their 'national treasure', BBC bigwig, and royal reporter Huw Edwards apparently had some kind of interest in teenagers. Never mind that he had not been accused of sexual interaction with anyone under the local age of consent (16). Having any sexual interest in minors, under the age of 18, was itself a cardinal sin.
The star presente...

One of the key stories of the Olympics and its buildup has been the participation of Dutch volleyball player Steven van de Velde. Branded a 'child rapist' in the majority of news and social media articles, it is easy to assume that he forced himself upon an unwilling child. That is not the case.
In many countries - including the UK where the incident occurred - oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a person under a certain age is automatically treated as 'rape...