Welcome to Mu!

Welcome to Mu's editorials home, just one part of a bold new approach to Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) support and advocacy! Please use the navigation bar to see what else Mu has to offer. This page documents collective positions, press releases and news concerning Mu. We have separate content feeds for Mu Perspectives and Guest Blogs. Atom 1.0 and RSS feeds are available.

Collaborated on by MAP Rights Forum and Katie Cruz last year, this recent framework for MAP Rights states:

  • Build the MAP community, including reaching MAPs who are unaware of the community.
  • Achieve protected class status.
  • Access to compassionate, empathetic mental healthcare.
  • Access to legal services.
  • Remove “pedophilic disorder” from the DSM and ICD.
  • Social justice – differentiating between rape/assault/coercion/violent crimes and statutory crimes.
  • Social justice for minor MAPs, and those close in age.
  • Ban conversion therapy.
  • Meet the physiological needs of MAPs facing...