Welcome to Mu!

    Welcome to Mu's editorials home, just one part of a bold new approach to Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) support and advocacy! Please use the navigation bar to see what else Mu has to offer. This page documents collective positions, press releases and news concerning Mu. We have separate content feeds for Mu Perspectives and Guest Blogs. Atom 1.0 and RSS feeds are available.

    The Prosper story is a tragedy all around. We are thankful it wasn't even worse

    In October 2024, the MAP community became aware of a horrible tragedy perpetrated by Nicholas Prosper, a young man from the UK who murdered his mother and two siblings. Networking with various contacts within the MAP community led us to find that Prosper had actually been active within our community and identified as a MAP, with a special interest in the character of Clementine from The Walking Dead video game series. Some of this information has now been published by mainstream media, and we expect more to be revealed at his sentencing.

    Brian Ribbon, who had previously warned in his article...


    MAP hysteria isn't only harmful to MAPs

    Mu is an international organization representing MAPs around the world.

    A recent survey of various MAP communities revealed a number of key concerns. One of the biggest issues was the harm to young people as an indirect consequence of MAP hysteria. Let's take a quick look at some of the ways that MAP hysteria can harm young people.

    Mentors run away scared

    There are many children in need of mentors, who may or may not be MAPs. As we discussed in our press release about MAP misunderstandings, most MAPs feel extreme levels of emotional attraction and empathy for young people, and enjoy platonic relationships without any ex...


    Survey results indicated that non-sexual connections with children are immensely important to MAPs.

    In September 2024, Mu surveyed a number of MAPs on our own MAP Forum, B4U-Act's message board B4um, and the popular GirlLover board Visions of Alice.

    We asked ten questions about the feelings and experiences of participants. In this two-part article, we will summarize trends, provide key quotes from the survey, and finish with a brief analysis of key findings.

    This is Part 2 of 2.

    (Return to Part 1)

    Question 8. What changes are needed?

    Responses varied, but awareness and understanding of the true nature of minor-attraction and MAPs was the most common de...


    The first of Mu's published surveys shone a light on the isolation faced by the MAP community.

    In September 2024, Mu surveyed a number of MAPs on our own MAP Forum, B4U-Act's message board B4um, and the popular GirlLover board Visions of Alice.

    We asked ten questions about the feelings and experiences of participants. In this two-part article, we will summarize trends, provide key quotes from the survey, and finish with a brief analysis of key findings.

    Here is Part 1 of 2.

    Mu thanks the administrators of B4U-Act and Visions of Alice for supporting our survey of their communities.

    Question 1. When did you first realize you were a MAP, and how did you feel?



    This post deals with themes of suicide, MAP phobia, and incarceration. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, we understand that calling for support can be an intimidating experience. Please consider these resources on B4U-ACT to see if there is something appropriate. You deserve life.

    September is Suicide Prevention Month. You might have noticed links to various mental health hotlines appearing more frequently as you browse the internet. Or maybe you have seen people wearing teal and purple ribbons as they go about shopping. Suicide is a problem for all segments of the community, but particular demographics are especially vulnerable. Indigenous people, men, people...