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Welcome to Mu's editorials home, just one part of a bold new approach to Minor-Attracted Person (MAP) support and advocacy! Please use the navigation bar to see what else Mu has to offer. This page documents collective positions, press releases and news concerning Mu. We have separate content feeds for Mu Perspectives and Guest Blogs. Atom 1.0 and RSS feeds are available.
The Crime and Policing Bill represents the UK's most recent attempt to strengthen its omnipresent grasp over its unfortunate citizens, yet again using MAPs and children as pawns in a grotesque authoritarian game. In this article, we will take a look at what the government is planning to do and how MAPs may be able to hinder some of those efforts. We will refer to the bill itself, and the explanatory notes, as reviewed in March 2025. In order to keep the article length manageable, we will refer readers to technical guides and legal discussions on other resources where the relevant issues have already been covered to a high standard.
Extreme notification requirements

In October 2024, the MAP community became aware of a horrible tragedy perpetrated by Nicholas Prosper, a young man from the UK who murdered his mother and two siblings. Networking with various contacts within the MAP community led us to find that Prosper had actually been active within our community and identified as a MAP, with a special interest in the character of Clementine from The Walking Dead video game series. Some of this information has now been published by mainstream media, and we expect more to be revealed at his sentencing.
Brian Ribbon, who had previously warned in his article...

Numerous media outlets are reporting a plan by the UK government to pass laws against tools that can be used to make criminalized images of AI children. Accounts are somewhat vague and even contradictory on details. According to The Guardian, under the upcoming Crime and Policing Bill:
- "It will become illegal to possess, create or distribute AI tools designed to generate child sexual abuse material."
- "It will also become illegal for anyone to possess manuals that teach potential offenders how to use AI tools to either make abusive imagery or to help them abuse children." ...
Per leggere questo articolo in Italiano.
MAP Union, or Mu, is an organization that advocates for MAP visibility, equality, cautious legal reform, and youth rights. If you're curious about the 'MAP' term, perhaps considering it a euphemism, please read here.
Recently, we have been the subject of a smear campaign by the far-right anti-trans hate group Gays Against Groomers, which has in turn led to our organization being defamed by firebrand Sicilian politician Francesca Donato.

To read this article in English.
MAP Union, or Mu, è un'organizzazione che promuove la visibilità, l'uguaglianza, la riforma legale prudente e i diritti dei giovani. Se sei curioso riguardo al termine 'MAP' e forse lo consideri un eufemismo, puoi leggere ulteriori informazioni qui.
Di recente, abbiamo subito una campagna di diffamazione da parte del gruppo di estrema destra anti-trans Gays Against Groomers (GAG), che a sua volta ha portato la nostra organizzazione a essere diffamata dalla politica siciliana Francesca Donato.

The MAP term is these days derided on the one hand by conservatives as the epitome of 'woke', and by liberals on the other hand for 'glorifying/normalizing pedophilia'. To many across the entire political spectrum, MAP = pedophile = child rapist. The term was intended not to push any kind of sexual contact agenda, but to unify people attracted to children and teens while avoiding the stigma of the misused 'pedophile' and the many outrageous assumptions surrounding those to whom this term is applied. Pedophile is also a word used to describe a variety of phenomena which are not necessarily connected. Many people, when using this word, are not 'calling a spade a...

Mu is an international organization representing MAPs around the world.
A recent survey of various MAP communities revealed a number of key concerns. One of the biggest issues was the harm to young people as an indirect consequence of MAP hysteria. Let's take a quick look at some of the ways that MAP hysteria can harm young people.
Mentors run away scared
There are many children in need of mentors, who may or may not be MAPs. As we discussed in our press release about MAP misunderstandings, most MAPs feel extreme levels of emotional attraction and empathy for young people, and enjoy platonic relationships without any ex...

There has been a lot of drama on social media regarding right-wing trolls pretending to be MAPs, apparently to discredit Bluesky, annoy LGBT people, or 'own the libs'. It is clear that some of the widely-quoted accounts mentioning MAPs on Bluesky are right-wing trolls. However, there are also many more real MAPs using the service to promote the MAP rights cause.
Mu joined Bluesky earlier in the week to connect with MAPs on social media, promote MAP und...
The political right tends to think of MAPs (Minor-Attracted People) as the next part of a culture war involving LGBTQ+ rights. The political left often see MAPs as a 4chan hoax, meant to smear LGBTQ+ people. Both sides are mistaken, and in this article, we explain why.

In May this year, Albany councilor Thomas Brough was scolded for saying that the ‘+’ sign in the ‘LGBTQ+’ acronym included pedophiles, too. He thoughtfully told the council meeting "I would encourage people to look into what minor-attracted person...

Mu is an international organization representing MAPs around the world. A recent survey of various MAP communities revealed a number of key concerns. One of the biggest issues was the misunderstanding of minor-attraction and all it entails. Let's take a quick look at some of the major misunderstandings.
Attraction is not action
Most people attracted to adults act on their feelings by having sex with other adults. Therefore, everyone assumes that most people attracted to minors must inevitably act on their feelings by having sex with minors. This is far too simplistic. First of all, there are widespread disagreem...